Legal expertise for the New Age!

The challenges of the digital age require legal approach adapted to the 21st century. I can provide exactly that.
What to expect from me?

About attorney-at-law Yankov


For me, law is not just a profession, but a vocation and a passion. That is why my preparation for the attorney’s job has not started and has not ended at all with my stay in the Faculty of Law. On the contrary - it is a daily and natural process for me. Legislative changes, important court decisions, significant contributions to the legal literature, but also an understanding for the general political and economic processes that set the direction in the development of the legal system - all this is part of my professional focus.

My particular interest in the "new age" legal branches - intellectual property law and information technology law - gives my legal expertise an irreplaceable advantage in an increasingly digitalized business environment. Moreover, my intensive attorney practice provides the clients with a vision that takes into account the peculiarities of the Bulgarian legal reality.
