Privacy policy


I. General information and applicability

1.1. This privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as "the Policy") applies to the website (hereinafter referred to as "the Website"), which is a professional internet portal of att. Ognyan Yankov (hereinafter referred to as "att. Yankov"). It explains how and what personal data is processed, in order for the Website to be accessible and operational.

1.2. Please beware that if you share the Website on external networks (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) or follow a link to another site, you would be subject to the privacy and other policies of these external networks/sites and, therefore, the current policy would not be applicable to your activities there.

1.3. Information about att. Yankov:

name: Ognyan Kostov Yankov

e-mail: [email protected]

II. Information regarding data processing during the use of the Website

2.1. Summary

2.1.1. In this section you would find information about the processing of personal data, when you use the Website.

2.2. Purpose of the data processing

2.2.1. Your personal data is used to:

a) provide the Website to you (“traffic data” – e.g., your IP address) and

b) ensure the security of the Website.

2.3. Period of storage of the data

2.3.1. Traffic data is not stored for the maintenance of the Website.

2.3.2. The security log data (which is for example aggregated in the case of occurrence of an accident) is deleted within a period, reasonably needed for the investigation and solving of the security issue. In exceptional cases such data may be stored for a longer period – for example, when the blocking of a specific IP address is needed.

2.4. Legal basis for the processing of the data

2.4.1. The traffic data is processed on the basis of your consent to access and use the Website.

2.4.2. The security log data is processed on the basis of att. Yankov’s legitimate interest to guarantee the security of the Website.

2.5. Existence of other recipients and third country transfers

2.5.1. Personal data, obtained for the purposes of accessing and maintenance of the Website, is, in principle, not shared with other recipients. Exclusion from this principle can occur only if att. Yankov is legally obliged to share the data.

2.5.2. Personal data is not transferred to third countries outside of the EU/EEA.

2.6. Cookies

2.6.1. The Website uses strictly necessary cookies only. Learn more about them in our Cookies policy.

III. Information regarding data processing during the use of the Website’s contact form

3.1. Summary

3.1.1. In this section you would find information about the processing of personal data, when you use the Website’s contact form in order to contact att. Yankov.

3.2. Purpose of the data processing

3.2.1. Your personal data is used so that att. Yankov may come into contact with you and eventually answer to your questions.

3.3. Period of storage of the data

3.3.1. The received messages are kept for a period, reasonably needed for the reply of your questions and the structuring of att. Yankov’s professional archive.

3.4. Legal basis for the processing of the data

3.4.1. The messages are processed on the basis of your consent when sending att. Yankov a message via the contact form. Sometimes the processing of these messages is based on att. Yankov’s legitimate interest or legal duty to keep communication for his professional archive.

3.5. Existence of other recipients and third country transfers

3.5.1. Personal data, obtained via your use of the Website’s contact form, is, in principle, not shared with other recipients. Exclusion from this principle can occur only if att. Yankov is legally obliged to share the data.

3.5.2. Personal data is not transferred to third countries outside of the EU/EEA.

IV. Your rights in connection with the data processing

4.1. In connection with the processing of your data you have the following rights:

4.1.1.the right of access to and rectification or erasure of the personal data;

4.1.2. the right to object and to restrict personal data processing;

4.1.3. the right to data portability;

4.1.4. the right to withdraw your consent for personal data processing (when the data is processed on the basis of your consent only);

4.1.5. the right to lodge a complaint with your local data protection authority. Att. Yankov’s activities in regard to data processing are regulated by the Bulgarian Commission for Personal Data Protection.

4.2. You can learn more about the above indicated rights and the situations in which you can exercise them by carefully reviewing Art. 15 – Art. 22 of the GDPR.

4.3. If you want to exercise any of your rights in connection with your data, which is processed according to this Privacy policy, please contact att. Yankov via this e-mail address: [email protected].

V. Miscellaneous

5.1. If any provision of this Policy is found to be invalid, this shall not invalidate the Policy as a whole or any other provision thereof. In such a case, the invalid provision shall be superseded by the mandatory rules of law and, if there are none, the Policy shall apply without the invalid provision.

5.2. The provisions of the current legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria shall apply to all matters not covered by these Policy.

5.3. Any disputes that may arise in connection with this Policy must be resolved voluntarily, and for this purpose you may at any time contact Att. Yankov ([email protected]). If it proves impossible to resolve the dispute by agreement, the competent courts are the courts in the city of Sofia, the Republic of Bulgaria.

5.4. This Policy may be unilaterally amended and supplemented by Att. Yankov, in which case the updated text of the Policy will be promptly published on the Website and will be deemed applicable from the date of its publication. The users of the Website are obliged to regularly check the content of the Policy and monitor for amendments and supplements. For the sake of clarity, it is stated that the current version of the Policy was published on 30.06.2022.

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