Cookies policy


I. General information and applicability

1.1. This privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as "the Policy") applies to the website (hereinafter referred to as "the Website"), which is a professional internet portal of att. Ognyan Yankov (hereinafter referred to as "att. Yankov"). It explains how and what cookies are used, in order for the Website to be accessible and operational.

1.2. Please beware that if you share the Website on external networks (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) or follow a link to another site, you would be subject to the cookies and other policies of these external networks/sites and, therefore, the current policy would not be applicable to your activities there.

II. What are cookies

2.1. “Cookies” are small text files stored in the browser of each visitor to a website. They are used by the browser to identify the visitor's device and ensure the proper functioning of a web page, as well as to provide information about the visitor's individual preferences.

“Cookies” usually contain the name of the website, the storage time on the end device and a unique number.

III. How and what cookies are used on this Website

3.1. This Website only uses so-called "necessary cookies". These are cookies without the use of which it would not be possible to fully guarantee the access, functioning and security of the Website.

3.2. As explained, the use of the above cookies is necessary for the proper functioning of the Website. Therefore, it is assumed that by accessing the Website, you have expressly requested the provision of this information society service and agree to the use of the cookies as so explained.

3.3. Modern browsers allow users to restrict or disable the use of cookies entirely. If you restrict or disable the use of cookies, in particular so-called "essential cookies", you should note that it is likely that the Website will not function optimally on your device.

IV. Miscellaneous

4.1. If any provision of this Policy is found to be invalid, this shall not invalidate the Policy as a whole or any other provision thereof. In such a case, the invalid provision shall be superseded by the mandatory rules of law and, if there are none, the Policy shall apply without the invalid provision.

4.2. The provisions of the current legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria shall apply to all matters not covered by these Policy.

4.3. Any disputes that may arise in connection with this Policy must be resolved voluntarily, and for this purpose you may at any time contact Att. Yankov ([email protected]). If it proves impossible to resolve the dispute by agreement, the competent courts are the courts in the city of Sofia, the Republic of Bulgaria.

4.4. This Policy may be unilaterally amended and supplemented by Att. Yankov, in which case the updated text of the Policy will be promptly published on the Website and will be deemed applicable from the date of its publication. The users of the Website are obliged to regularly check the content of the Policy and monitor for amendments and supplements. For the sake of clarity, it is stated that the current version of the Policy was published on 30.06.2022.

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