
Intellectual property law is a collective term that refers to many types of social relations, such as:

• Copyright;

• protection of inventions and utility models (patent law);

• designs;

• trademarks and geographical indications;

• trade/industrial secrets (according to some classifications).

Among the services I can offer in these areas is, for example, the analysis of the possibilities of using a work protected by copyright. I.e., to assess whether the work enjoys protection at all, what is its volume and term, respectively to represent you in an eventual communication with the right holder in order to avoid legal conflicts. I can prepare and consult contracts for the use of the work (including publishing contracts) - both from the viewpoint of the authors and also of those interested in using the work.

I provide advice on copyright issues related to the digital environment - e.g., the admissible hypotheses of using the so-called hyperlinks relating to the republishing of protected content initially uploaded on another website.

Copyright also regulates the protection of computer programs. I can consult or prepare contracts for the development, respectively use of computer programs, as well as to ensure the process of distribution of the software product from a legal point of view.

In case you come across a violation of your intellectual property, you can assign me to prepare a cease and desist letter, and if it does not have the needed effect, to take action to protect your rights in court, the prosecutor's office or other law enforcement agency.

I provide opinions in the field of patent law and protection of designs, including in connection with the preparation of the so-called licensing agreements governing the use of the protected work.

I assist in the registration and the extension of the term of trademark protection, and I could also investigate whether the use of a particular trademark (including as a name of your company) violates the rights of others, which would expose you to serious legal risk.

I am also able provide advice on the protection of trade and industrial secrets. For example., I can prepare internal company documentation, regulating the regime of information protection, respectively to organize legal protection in case of risk or effective violation of trade secrets.

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